{ Getting used to the pain }

My heart was always flying while riding a cloud

The skies fall at your words as well

Each of those scenes from the past reawakens bit by bit

We still have half of our story left

I’m going to meet you again

( E D D I E )

Don't fly away my beautiful butterfly

had my one soul stolen
ϟ ϟ

#Np Don't Go - Exo M

Friday, June 7, 2013 | 11:54 PM | 0 comments
hello there readers. first of all, thank you for dropping by *bows* i was kinda shocked today- too many pageviews in a day. there were audiences from overseas too *claps* so school holiday will end up real soon. upcoming semi-hiatus. sigh. and a big test, PMR all the way! wish me luck darla!

btw, this month's Epop edition releases Exo's poster. yeay me. well okay i dont have that much money to buy the hey-way expensive exo's album. Awin just came back from korea- and she bought the album okay this is such a major turn off. move on didi. so exo will have a fanmeeting at kuala lumpur huh? well this news makes me happy and somehow breaks my heart tho. okay so let me push away abt these exo matters for a while. 


remember abt Top Media stuffs that I blew abt the other day. well- son sujin just got fired from the agency *claps* but some unpleasant news just make this night worse. first, niel will not perform for the next show like-- effing seriously? are u kidding me? niel is the main vocal yo heyy. next is, they are like so many rumours abt chunji and vivi and lumi ._. what tha *flips netbook* what is your relationship with those damn pretty women yo chanhee :<

much love, didi

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